If you’re considering Zepbound (tirzepatide) as your new weight-loss and obesity treatment, you may want to know more and hear from those who've used it firsthand.

While your doctor’s guidance is paramount, you can learn a lot from real user reviews and testimonials. Most Zepbound users have reported positive outcomes and a high satisfaction rate, but not everyone is happy with it.

So, let’s provide an honest view of what you might expect from Zepbound, exploring users’ stories about their weight-loss results, side effects experiences, and cost coverage solutions.

Related article: Zepbound: A Complete Guide About the Newest Weight-Loss Drug.

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Reviews About Weight-loss Results with Zepbound

Zepbound (tirzepatide) has proven to be a powerful drug in the fight against obesity, particularly when paired with healthy lifestyle changes like diet and exercise.

In clinical trials, users taking the highest dose of Zepbound (15 mg) have seen impressive results, losing nearly 21% of their body weight on average, compared to just 3.1% weight loss with a placebo.

But that’s an average, and not everyone will lose the same amount of weight. While some people may lose more pounds while on Zepbound, others may still struggle. In this section, we'll share real users reviews from patients who have used Zepbound, highlighting both inspiring success stories and situations where expectations weren’t met.

If you're considering a Zepbound prescription online, it's essential to follow proper medical guidance and understand how the treatment works to maximize its benefits.

Related article: How Much Weight Can You Lose on Zepbound?

Weight Loss Success Stories

Extract of Zepbound user review, December 30, 2023, found on Drugs.com:

"Thank you Zepbound for showing me what being full was. It's a whole new feeling. I have more pep in my step. Four weeks in, over 20 pounds lost. (...) 2.5 dose, going up next shot."

Extract of Zepbound user testimonial, January 25, 2024, found on Quora:

“I started my 7th week today. First month was 2.5 mg, 2nd month is 5 mg. I have lost 12.5 lbs so far, so about 2 lbs per week. I am never ever hungry (...) Since I don’t crave anything, I make myself eat healthier choices. I am very hopeful, and haven’t felt this good in quite some time.”

Extract of Zepbound user story, January 2024, found on Reddit:

“I am just about to finish my first month on zepbound and all I have to say is wow. What an incredible drug.Being able to control my eating and being able to easily pick healthier choices is incredibly easy. I started at 255 lbs and today I'm down to 242. (...) As soon as I started taking zepbound the weight started to fall right off, and I feel freaking amazing! (...) AND TO BOOT NO SIDE EFFECTS YET!! (...).

Extract of Zepbound user review, March 19, 2024, found on Drugs.com:

"This medication works beyond all my expectations!! I am a 40-year-old female and was at a starting weight of 226 when I began the 2.5 mg dose. Immediately, I noticed I could not finish more than a few bites of food (...) The mental food noise is gone. (...) I have so much energy! I have lost 27 pounds in 6 weeks. I am on 7.5 mg and can't wait to reach my goal!"

Extract of Zepbound user review, January 15, 2024, found on Drugs.com:

"I’m a 6’4, 275 male, 62 years old - no diabetes or health issues, on no other meds. (...) Lost 10 pounds with the first 3 shots, then Dr said I could go to 5mg (saved the last 2.5mg pen for future use) because weight loss had stopped. After starting mg, lost 2 pounds in 2 days - so combined weight loss using 2.5/5mg is now at 12 pounds in e weeks! No significant/terrible side effects except some constipation, intermittent fatigue, and minor chills at times (...)”.

Reviews From Disappointed Zepbound Users.

While many users report successful weight loss, others have not or have hit a plateau, particularly with the 5mg dose. And it seems to be a common issue.

This section sheds light on the less discussed aspect of Zepbound—when it doesn't work as hoped. These reviews are as important as the good ones as they help set realistic expectations.

Extract of Zepbound user review, February 2024, found on Reddit:

“I did a month on 2.5 and lost almost seven pounds, I’ve been on 5 for two weeks and have barely lost a pound. My diet hasn’t changed, my exercise hasn’t changed. I’m going to finish the month but I’m not sure if I should ask for 7.5. My doctor seemed hesitant (...)”.

Extract of Zepbound user testimonial, March 2024, found on Reddit:

“First dose of 2.5mg I lost 6lbs after a week (likely water weight) and then I lost nothing the rest of 4 weeks.Went up to 5mg and after 3 doses still nothing has changed i’m the same weight I was after the first week on 2.5mg (...). I also get no help with appetite suppression, no help with craving suppression and food noise, and only some mild early satiety stomach fullness when eating so I’m not surprised I’m not losing weight. If Zepbound doesn’t work well even at 15 mg I’ve heard possibly Wegovy could work better in our cases (...). Zepbound/Mounjaro doesn’t seem to work at lower doses in some people (...).”

Extract of Zepbound user testimonial, March 2024, found on Reddit:

Up to 15mg and it’s still not working. I’m so frustrated and disappointed. (...)”.

It's clear from some user testimonials that Zepbound doesn't work equally well for everyone, with a few individuals experiencing less dramatic results or hitting a plateau, especially at lower doses.

These stories remind us that while Zepbound can be a powerful aid in weight loss, it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Collaborating closely with your doctor to adjust the dosage or explore alternative treatments might be necessary if you feel like Zepbound isn’t working for you.

Related article: How Long Does It Take for Zepbound to Work?

Reviews About Zepbound Side Effects

Like any medication, Zepbound comes with its share of side effects. And there’s quite a lot of common side effects, especially gastrointestinal ones like nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea. Fortunately, most of these side effects occur only in the initial stage of the treatment and tend to disappear as your body gets used to Zepbound. That’s why it’s very important to start with a low dose and gradually increase over time.

However, some users have reported intense and persistent side effects, to the point that they had to stop taking Zepbound. Let’s share their stories, the good and the bad ones, and some personal tips to help manage the side effects.

Related article: Zepbound Side Effects: Deciphering Warnings and Contraindications.

Negative Zepbound Reviews Due to Side Effects

Extract of Zepbound user review, February 7, 2024, found on Drugs.com:

"Started Zepbound 2 days ago. (...) That night I felt like a rock was in my stomach, and you could hear the sloshing of water and food as I moved in bed. I started dry heaving and gagging in my sleep. Woke up Tuesday morning feeling sicker than I did when I had morning sickness from pregnancy (...)Today is Wednesday, diarrhea started this morning and still nauseous, but not hungry. (...) I was told the nausea will subside after my body gets used to it. Hoping that's true. But honestly, if I have to deal with some nausea to lose the 70 lbs I would like to lose, I'll do it”.

Extract of Zepbound user testimonial, March 2024, found on Reddit:

“I took my first Zepbound shot this past Friday. Everything was good, couldn’t really feel the injection. Saturday comes around, and ohh boy. I’m puking and on the toilet constantly. Everything I ate come right back up. (...) Let my doctor know about it, he says these are common side effects and will improve in time. This shot is known to work great for some people. But some people’s body’s are different and react differently. I won’t be taking it anymore, as I don’t like feeling this way.”

Extract of Zepbound user review, January 31, 2024, found on Drugs.com:

"(...) I started on the low dose and now I'm on the 7.5, and I have lost over 25 lbs. There are side effects, not bad enough to make me not use it. They include nausea, cramping, and loose dark stool. (...) Good luck if you're starting."

Extract of Zepbound user review, January 28, 2024, found on Drugs.com:

"It works but side effects are too much for me. I started 2.5 injections and immediately felt nauseous and vomited every day. (...) I could only eat a handful of grapes or a few bites of food, and it felt like it never digested. The constant taste of stomach acid/vomit in my mouth made me miserable. Food stayed in my stomach for over 24 hours, which was disgusting. It's like I could still taste it. The lack of any food made me feel exhausted. I missed 2 days of work. I lost 5-6 pounds in 1 week, but the side effects aren't worth it. I won't be continuing (...).

Related article: How to Switch from Wegovy to Zepbound?

Positive Zepbound Reviews with No Side Effects

Not everyone experiences side effects with Zepbound, and many users report a smooth journey with the medication. This uplifting section highlights the reviews of those who have had a positive and side-effect-free treatment, offering hope and reassurance to those considering Zepbound.

Extract of Zepbound user review, February 29, 2024, found on Drugs.com

"I started Zepbound 2 weeks ago (...). I’ve had no side effects whatsoever so far. I’m on the 2.5 initial dose. (...) I don’t feel hungry all the time, no thoughts of eating or snacking. (...) I am eating very small portions, and I think that makes a big difference as far as having side effects. I’ll check back in after I increase my dose, but I want others to hear that not everyone has side effects. Don’t be afraid to try it and don’t let some reviews scare you so much that you refuse it. It’s a fantastic experience so far, for me."

Extract of Zepbound user testimonial, February, 2024, found on Reddit:

“I just took my 4th injection yesterday of 2.5, moving up to 5 next week. I have lost 7 pounds (...). I got to say I actually feel really good on this medication. I find I have a lot more energy and no craving for sugar whatsoever. Thankfully, I have not had any of the associated side effects other than an occasional indigestion (...).

Extract of Zepbound user review, March 6, 2024, found on Drugs.com:

"I just had my 2nd shot of Zepbound and the side effects so far are that I burp a lot (lol) & feel a little tired, but nothing major at all. I can’t eat much at all, maybe a few bites, and it takes me forever to get those few bites down; then I’m full for a few hours. I have been keeping a complete diary of this. So determined. Hope this helps."

Users’ Tips to Manage Zepbound Side Effects

Dealing with Zepbound side effects can often be managed with your doctor’s help. But some practical advice from those who've been there are always good too!

This section compiles helpful reviews from users who have found ways to lessen or manage their side effects effectively!

Extract of Zepbound user review, March 15, 2024, found on Drugs.com:

"The first 3 weeks were rough. But I knew to stay away from meats for 5 days after shot and ANYTHING with fat or oil - it will not digest. 2 days after the shot are the hardest as far as digestion; eat very small, eat early or reflux will occur. My 'go to' is a cup of mac & cheese, half a bagel (plain) or berries (apples indigestible). No variety for me on this. Menthol cough drop a lifesaver - soothes my stomach. Sugars OK. Diarrhea from some foods, turned to some constipation after 2 months. Lost 27 pounds in 3 months, the fatigue is my worst side effect. Find your digestible foods, stick with them, exclusively."

Extract of Zepbound user review, February 2024, found on Reddit:

“(...) I picked up a slew of vitamins-b complex, vitamin d, magnesium, ginger root and a prebiotic. I've been doing them daily and the day of my shot I take zofran and an antacid and this week was a breeze. My stomach was a little sensitive but no violent vomiting and waking up in the middle of the night running to the restroom. I also made sure to eat a really bland diet the day after my shot-crackers, applesauce, bananas and soup. Going from 2.5 to 5 the first week was brutal and I genuinely thought I was going to die but last week was so much better.”

Extract of Zepbound user review, March 5, 2024, found on Drugs.com:

"Been on Zepbound 7 weeks now. Lost about 22 lbs so far with no exercise. This stuff is amazing at curbing your appetite. But beware, stick to healthy foods and minimal portions because the nausea is otherworldly. (...) Take it seriously. Cut back portions, minimal dairy, low sugar and don't eat too late”.

Dealing with Zepbound side effects is a significant part of many users' experiences. Sharing experiences with peers can help you find tricks to lower their intensity. The food you eat is very important and it is clear that some food help minimize side effects while others can increase them. But remember to always ask for your doctor’s advice first!

Related article: Zepbound Diet: What Foods to Eat, What Foods to Avoid?

Zepbound cooling cases for refrigerated drugs


Zepbound Users Reviews About Prices & Insurance Coverage

Let’s be honest, Zepbound is an expensive drug, with a list price over $1,000 a month. But not everyone pays the same for Zepbound, as the real cost can vary greatly depending on insurance coverage and eligibility to savings programs and coupons.

This section features reviews from Zepbound users about their experiences with insurance, out-of-pocket costs, and savings programs.

Related article: Zepbound Cost: Coupons, Insurance Coverage and Savings Card.

Extract of Zepbound user testimonial, April 2024, found on Reddit:

“My insurance covers. It’s United Healthcare but through a large employer. It’s going to be very plan/employer dependent. I’m sure there are tons of UHC plans that don’t cover it. I feel very fortunate.”

Extract of Zepbound user testimonial, April 2024, found on Reddit:

“ (I pay) $550 per 4 weeks with the saving card + commercial insurance that doesn't cover it. Price doesn't vary with dose.”

Extract of Zepbound user testimonial, March 2024, found on Reddit:

“(I pay) $25 per month w/savings card. Insurance approved as non-formulary. Just ordered a 3 month supply for $25 using savings card as I’m trying to stay at 5 for a few months.”

Extract of Zepbound user testimonial, March 2024, found on Reddit:

“CVS Caremark and it was covered immediately after my pre-authorization was sent over. I work for a large company with good healthcare benefits, so thankfully they cover weight loss meds.”

Extract of Zepbound user testimonial, February 2024, found on Reddit:

“CVS Caremark. It’s not on the formulary but Wegovy is. PA/Appeal denied, was asked to do Step Therapy. Submitted 2nd level appeal and was approved for a year.”

Extract of Zepbound user testimonial, March 2024, found on Reddit:

“Ineligible for savings card (Tricare) so I pay retail minus GoodRx coupon. Still over $1000. Sad.”

Getting insurance coverage or savings card for Zepbound can be a real challenge. Don’t lose hope! You may need to apply and appeal several times before it works but, as many of these users’ reviews suggest, it’s possible!

What about you? Would you like to share your reviews and testimonials about Zepbound below?

April 12, 2024

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The information presented in this article and its comment section is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a replacement for professional medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare provider for any medical concerns or questions you may have.