Inyecciones para migrañas

Migraine Injections: What Are They and How Do They Work?

Migraine injections: from what they are and how they work to the different types available, including Aimovig, Emgality, and Ajovy. Discover how they are applied, their effectiveness, and costs.
December 09, 2023
Aimovig inyecciones para migrañas

What is Aimovig and How Does it Work for Chronic Migraines?

Explore the keys to Aimovig's preventive treatment for chronic migraines. Discover how it works, its dosages, administration, and practical tips for a more comfortable life without migraines. Your comprehensive guide to Aimovig is here.
December 09, 2023
What is Ajovy and How Does it Work?

What is Ajovy and How Does it Work?

All you need to know about Ajovy, an injectable drug for the prevention of migraines in adults. Learn how it works, its administration, side effects, and more in our comprehensive guide.
December 09, 2023
Emgality inyecciones para migraña

All You Need to Know About Emgality Injections for Migraines

Discover everything about Emgality injections: an innovative treatment for migraines. Learn how it works, its administration, side effects, comparisons, and costs in our comprehensive guide.
December 08, 2023
Ajovy storage instructions, woman with a migraine

How Long Can Ajovy Be Out of The Fridge?

According to its manufacturer, Ajovy must be stored in the refrigerator. When refrigeration is not possible, it can be kept out of the fridge for up to 7 days (not exceeding 86°F / 30°C).
May 10, 2023
Emgality injections for migraines

How to Store Emgality? How Long Can It Be Unrefrigerated?

Emgality must be refrigerated but can be stored out of the refrigerator at temperatures up to 86°F (30°C) for up to 7 days. Learn how to correctly store and handle your migraine injections at home and while traveling.
May 08, 2023
What's the Relationship Between High Altitude and Migraines?

What's the Relationship Between High Altitude and Migraines?

Migraines are a common problem for many people. For some, they only occur occasionally, while others experience them frequently. There are many different triggers for migraines, including changes in barometric...
December 28, 2022
Flying with a Migraine: Tips to Prepare for Takeoff

Flying with a Migraine: Tips to Prepare for Takeoff

Migraines are no fun. They can ruin your day, week, or month. If you're someone who suffers from migraines, you know that flying is not always an option. However, sometimes...
December 28, 2022
Summer Heat and Migraines: How to Prevent Migraine in Hot Weather?

Summer Heat and Migraines: How to Prevent Migraine in Hot Weather?

Migraine is a common neurological disorder that affects nearly one-third of the world's population. It is more prevalent in women than men and can cause significant disability. One of the...
December 28, 2022
Traveling with chronic migraines

10 Travel Tips for People With Chronic Migraines

Traveling with chronic migraine is challenging. Prevent migraines while traveling. Avoid these common headache triggering factors. 10 useful tips for traveling with migraines!

March 11, 2022
Aimovig refrigerated injections for migraine sufferers

How long can Aimovig be out of the fridge without deteriorating?

Aimovig is a temperature-sensitive injectable medicine used for chronic migraines. It requires refrigeration and specific temperature storage. Here's how to properly store your Aimovig pens!
March 10, 2022